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Finding the right employee for a position is very important. It is a very challenging process and might be a hard task for any company. Executive recruitment is quite different from any other recruitment. To recruit an employee for the top-level position you need to do an advanced recruitment process.

Executive recruitment is the process of hiring candidates for the top positions at the company. In this recruitment, the recruiters aim to hire for senior positions like Managing Director(MD), Chief Executive Officer(CEO), Vice Presidents(VP), and other related roles.


The highest level of executives in senior management usually has a title beginning with the chief. So executive recruitment is also called C- suite recruitment. To finding and hiring the right employee for the senior level position is very important for the overall success of your business. They have the right to make decisions that shape the current company culture and future of your business.

How to recruit executives successfully? It requires different and sophisticated skills. Here are  some tips to recruit executives for your company.

1. Understand the job search

The first and important step for recruiting an executive is to do the job search. You need to prepare well to find and hire the top executive talents for your company. Create a perfect job description, free to use the job templates and customize them for your needs.

Create a candidate persona and define the type of candidate who would be a perfect fit not only for this position but also for your industry and company’s work culture.

2. Leverage Employee referrals

Networking is important for every recruitment. Try to utilize the connections and networks of existing leaders in your company. Try to leverage personal contact, social media connections, and employee referrals.


Also, find someone who knows the targeted executive candidates and suggests few executives suitable for the position you are looking for.

3. Be discrete and maintain confidentiality

Be professional while contacting the executive candidate through their email or social media profile, ensure them that you will maintain confidentiality and be discrete throughout the process.

4. Build relationship

This is an integral part of recruitment that builds a relationship with the candidate. This candidate should always focus on the recruitment process. Don’t try to sell your position, the executive candidates are hard to find. Getting know your candidate first.

5. Be Patient

When it comes to recruitment you must invest some time and effort required in today’s competitive world. The average period requires for the hiring process for a Chief Executive Officer is to about 6-8 months.


6.Great candidate experience

While recruiting a candidate you need to work hard to provide a better candidate experience. Remember that the best senior executive talent is courted with  different companies. So you need to make sure that your candidates are getting the best executive search experience that stands out.

Are you looking for a top executive search firms ? We are the best executive search and recruitment firm in Canada, Provides top talents for your company’s executive-level positions.